
Law No

Date Voted

Urgent regulations of the competence of Ministry for Migration Policy. 4587
ΦΕΚ 218 Α'/24.12.2018
Ratification of the Agreement of 11.12.2018 on the Amendment of Provisions of the Concession Agreement of the 31st of May 2007 for the Work “Design, Construction, Financing, Operation, Maintenance and Exploitation of the Motorway of Central Greece (E65), which was ratified by law 3597/2007 (A΄ 168), as it was amended a) by the “Amending Agreement of Provisions of the Concession Agreement” of 28.11.2013 which was ratified by the second article of law 4219/2013 “Ratification of the Amending Agreements of the Concession Agreements of major road works and regulation of related matters” (A΄ 269), and b) by the “Amending Agreement of Provisions of the Agreement of 28.11.2013 for the Amendment of provisions of the Concession Agreement” which was ratified by article 44 of law 4354/2015 “Non-performing loans management, wage provisions and other urgent provisions concerning the implementation of the fiscal goals and structural reforms agreement” (A΄ 176). 4586
ΦΕΚ 217 Α'/24.12.2018
Urgent regulations of the Ministry of Environment and Energy – Ratification of the Concession Agreement between the Hellenic State and the companies “ENERGEAN OIL AND GAS – AEGEAN ENERGEAN RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION OF HYDROCARBONS S.A.” and “KAVALA OIL S.A.” by which the Agreement of 23.11.1999 for the exploitation of Hydrocarbons in the marine area of the Thracian Sea between the Hellenic State and the company “KAVALA OIL S.A.” which was ratified by law 2779/1999 (A΄ 296) is amended, and other provisions. 4585
ΦΕΚ 216 A'/24.12.2018


ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ “Επί του...περιστυλίου!”


The Parliament is the supreme democratic institution that represents the citizens through an elected body of Members of Parliament (MPs). In the current composition the Parliament consists of 300 MPs, elected at the last general elections of July 7th, 2019.
President of the Parliament is currently for the 18th Parliamentary Term, Mr Constantine Tassoulas elected with ND (New Democracy). The President presides over parliamentary sittings, is in charge of parliamentary functions and represents Parliament in international parliamentary organizations and bilateral inter-parliamentary sittings. Ηe is in charge of all Hellenic Parliament directorates, departments and divisions and coordinates their work and activities.


The institutional role of the Parliament in shaping Greek foreign policy is acknowledged in a series of Constitutional articles and clauses as well as in its Standing Orders.
Hellenic Parliament steadily promotes stronger links with other EU national parliaments and the European Parliament (EP). Given this framework, the Parliament is actively involved in meetings between EU national parliaments and the EP, exchanges views on significant European affairs and acquaints the aforementioned parliaments with its views.
Parliament capitalizes on parliamentary diplomacy for building ‘bridges’ in favor of stronger cooperation between people, bringing the people closer together and encouraging an exchange of views and ideas while forging ties of friendship and promoting the image of Greece abroad.

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