
Departments and Directorates

Parliament, other than being a political institution, is also a unique organization in terms of its structure: it is an agency with its own organizational units, directorates and departments, which have their own personnel and a variety of duties to perform. Turning Parliament from a representative institution dealing solely with its legislative work, into a contemporary and complex politico-administrative institution at the service of democracy is actually due to a series of factors.

In the past, institutions that used to represent the state were dealing with a technical workload that was easier to handle compared to today. Nowadays, the state is more concerned with and involved in economic and social affairs, national economies are closely interwoven while technology progresses at such speed that problems and issues a Parliament is called upon to manage through its legislative duties become even more complicated. As a result, Parliaments have gradually grown in size and opted for more complicated procedures and processes. Hellenic Parliament grew into a modern organization with administrative units and operations of its own. Meanwhile, the executive grew stronger than the legislative branch, a general trend that affected almost all democratic forms of government in the 20th century and launched an effort for a better organizational structure and technical support so that the Parliament should be able to interact with government and public administration agencies and oversee their work.

The Speaker is in charge of all parliamentary departments and exercises the role and capacities that the Constitution, the Standing Orders and the laws grant him or her. The Speaker shall exercise those capacities even after the dissolution of parliament or at the expiration of the parliamentary term, until a new Speaker is elected according to article 9 par. 2 of the Standing Orders (Section and chapters regarding parliamentary business).
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