Organization & Operations

The Plenum

The Plenum is composed of all (300) MPs elected in the general elections, which are normally held every four years unless the Parliament is dissolved at an earlier date. The interval between two elections is a "Parliamentary Term". Consecutive Parliamentary Terms have been listed on a continuous number sequence since 1975. This is the 13th Parliamentary Term.
Parliament holds Regular Sessions during a Parliamentary Term while, according to the Constitution, there may also be extraordinary and special sessions.

The period for Regular Plenary Session starts on the first Monday in October of each year and cannot last less than five months. The State Budget is approved during the Regular Plenary Session. Within 30 days from the date of the general election the Plenum must convene.
Parliamentary Terms are listed on a continuous number sequence.

The President of the Republic may call an extraordinary session "whenever he may deem it reasonable" (article 40, paragraph 1 of the Constitution) and also decide upon its duration and purpose. During an extraordinary session the Parliament may tackle any matter whatsoever, except for approving the budget which can only be dealt within a regular session.

On occasion, should specific conditions apply, the Parliament has to call a special session and perform its special duties by virtue of the Constitution: 1) elect the President of the Republic (article 32, paragraph 5 of the Constitution), 2) decide whether to elect a new President in the event of a prolonged incapacity hindering the President of the Republic from the discharge of his duties (article 34, paragraph 2 of the Constitution), 3) adopt a presidential decree imposing a state of siege (state of emergency) or prolonging the state of siege (article 48, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Constitution), and 4) resolve on a motion of confidence which is mandatory whenever a new Government is being formed (article 84, paragraph 1 of the Constitution). During its special sessions, the Parliament deals exclusively with the matter for which it was convoked.

Certainly, Parliament is summoned to convene in extraordinary and special sessions only if there is no Regular Session in progress.

The responsibilities of the Plenum include the legislative work and parliamentary control over Government work as well as a set of further duties.
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