Per Parliamentary Group

Eleni   Maria  Milena Georgiou ApostolakiPASOK-KINAL

Eleni Maria Milena Georgiou Apostolaki

Member of Parliament Athens B1 Constituency (North)

Contact Info

Web Site:
20, Leonidas Manolidis str. & Ymittou str., 16121, Kesariani, Athens. Τel.: 210-3618111, 210-3618211, 210-3617111, Fax. : 210-3618388.

Personal Info

Place and Date οf Birth:
She was born in 1965, in Athens.
Marital Status:
Divorced, mother of one three and half-year-old son.
Member of the Athens Bar, being an active partner of the Association of Young Practicing Lawyers. In 1989 she joined, the Law Department of Olympic Airways, practicing Law at the same time before the Courts of Justice. In 1992 she joined a Law Office in Washington DC dealing with Aviation Law and international contracts. From 1993 to 1995 she was a member of the Law Office of Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou. At the same time served as Secretary to the Commission of Major Public Works.
She graduated the Arsakeion Psychiko (Secondary Education). She graduated the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Foreign Languages:
Fluent in English and French.

Parliamentary Activities

At the general elections of the 9th April of 2000, she was elected for the first time Member of the Hellenic Parliament with PASOK. She was reelected at the elections of the 7th of March 2004, as well as at the elections of the 16th of September 2007 and 4rth of October 2009.
She has been member of the Standing Committee of Educational Issues of the Parliament, of the Special Standing Committee of Research and Technology and of the Committee for the Revision of the Constitution.

Political/Social Activities

From 1995 to 2000 she was Special Advisor to the Ministries of Justice, Culture and Development. In April 13, 2000 she was appointed Deputy Minister of Development carrying the responsibility for Commerce and Consumer Protection. In October 2001, she was elected as a member of the Executive Bureau of PASOK.
In 16-3-2005 she was elected member of the Political Council of PASOK. As a member of the P.C. she was responsible for Education and Culture, from June 2006 to December 2006. She is member of the National Council of PASOK.

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