Anastasios  NerantzisN.D. (New Democracy)

Anastasios Nerantzis

Member of Parliament Piraeus B

Contact Info

Web Site:
2G Solomou str., Nikaia 18450,
tel: 210 490177, 4902622, fax: 210 4903526.

Personal Info

Place and Date οf Birth:
Born in Nikaia - Piraeus, on 3.10.1944.
Law, University of Athens.
Foreign Languages:

Parliamentary Activities

Elected MP (ND) for Piraeus B in the general elections of 1974, 1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2012. Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament for the period 1978-1981.
• Voted Prsident of the Special Permanent Parliamentarian Committee on Institutions and Transparency.
• Voted Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.), in which participate members of parliaments from 26 and more countries all over the world.

Political/Social Activities

Served as: Deputy Minister: Transport & Communications, from 2004 to 2006, and Development from 2006 to 2007. Deputy Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament. Also served as Member of EREN (the Youth Organisation of the National Radical Union Party) (1961-1965) and Chairman of the Student Union of Nikaia and Korydallos (1962-1964). Organisational secretary of the YMCA Cultural and Artistic Development Group (1962-1963) and an officer in the Boy Scout movement (1953-1961). Greek Junior Table-tennis Champion in 1958. Chairman of the Nikaia Philological Association. Founding member of the New Democracy Party.
Occasionally elected Member: Central Committee, Executive Committee, Member of the ND Political Council, Former head of the ND Parliamentary Work Groups on Shipping, on Public Administration, Responsible for the Justice Sector and the ND Parliamentary Spokesman.

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