Kyriakos Konstantinou MitsotakisNEA DIMOKRATIA

Kyriakos Konstantinou Mitsotakis

President of New Democracy (N.D.)


Member of Parliament Thessaloniki A

Contact Info

Web Site:
8, Efroniou str., Athens 106 34,, Tel: +30 210 7256700, Fax: +30 210 7256704.

Personal Info

Place and Date οf Birth:
Born in Athens, 4/3/1968.
Marital Status:
Married, with three children
Political scientist – Economist
Bachelor degree in Social Studies, summa cum laude, from Harvard University in 1990. MA in International Relations from Stanford University (focus on issues surrounding European integration) in 1993. MBA from Harvard Business School in 1995.
Foreign Languages:
English, French, and German

Parliamentary Activities

He was elected to parliament with New Democracy in the March 2004 elections. He was reelected in the general election of 2004, 2007 and 2009.
He is a member of the Trade and Development and European Affairs committees. He is the President of the Greek-Finnish parliamentary friendship group.

Political/Social Activities

Kyriakos has served as the chairman of the board of the Constanine Mitsotakis Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the historical archives of the former Greek Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis. During his studies at Harvard he received the Hoopes and Tocqueville prizes for outstanding undergraduate thesis on the subject of US foreign policy towards Greece. In January 2003 he was nominated by the World Economic Forum as a Global Leader of Tomorrow (GLT). He writes frequently for leading Greek newspapers on issues ranging from foreign policy to economic affairs.

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