Les vice-présidents remplacent le président dans la direction des travaux parlementaires. En outre, ils représentent souvent le président et le Parlement à l’échelle nationale et internationale.
Suivent les CV des vice-présidents de la législature en cours.

Maria Kollia-Tsaroucha
Député Serres
Information personnelles
- Date et Lieu de naissance:
- She was born in Serres in February 21st 1958
- État civil:
- Married with Christos Tsarouchas (Architect- Engineer) and has a son, Kostas Tsarouchas (political scientist)
and one daughter, Katerina Tsaroucha (sociologist/ student of journalism)
- Profession:
- Attorney-at-Law.
- Études:
- Graduate of the Law Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessalonica
- Langues:
- English
Activités parlementaires
She was the first woman elected as member of Parliament in the Prefecture of Serres
Member of Parliament of the Prefecture of Serres
In 2000, 2004, 2007 and 2009 with New Democracy and in 2012 after the voting down of the second
Memorandum of Agreement and the corresponding loan contract, she was deleted from the Parliamentary
group of N.D. and joined the Greek Independent Political party.
In May and June 2012 was re-elected as Member of Parliament of Serres Prefecture with the Greek
Independent Political party.
In May (185 votes) and in June (225 votes) respectively of 2012 was elected as the F’ (6th) Vice-President of
the Parliament.
She has been: Chairman of the Standing Committee for Cultural Affairs (2007-2009).
Chairman of the special permanent standing committee for the equality and Human rights (2004-2007).
A’ Vice-Chairman of the special standing committee for equality, youth and human rights (2009-2012).
Member of the inquiry committee for the investigation of “SIEMENS” case.
Activités politiques/sociales
Member of the Women department of ND since 1983. Candidate member of Parliament in 1996, Member
of New Democracy Central Committee.
Responsible for the sector of national Education and Religious Affairs of N.D.
Secretary of social coherence and solidarity of N.D. 2010-2012
Chairman of the parliamentary friendship intergroup of Greece – Belgium Parliaments
Member of the parliamentary friendship intergroup of Greece- Russia Parliaments.
Member of the parliamentary friendship intergroup of Greece-G. Britain Parliaments.
Member of the scientific Board of the Panhellenic Women Organization “Panathinaiki”.
Member of Women charitable fraternity “Emmeleia” of Serres
Member of Serres Nursing home.
Honorable member of the Association of Serres Vlachs “Georgakis Olympios”.
Member of the Lyceum of Greek Women.