

Nikolaos   Georgios Spyridona DendiasNEA DΙMOKRATIA

Nikolaos Georgios Spyridona Dendias


Contact Info

7, Ipsilandou str., 106 76 Athens. tel. 210-3224907 ,210 -7229201 & FAX 210 -7229202

Information personnelles

Date et Lieu de naissance:
Born in Corfu on October 7th, 1959. His family origins are from Paxos, a small island south of Corfu.
État civil:
Married to Dafni Lala. He has two sons.
He attended the first three classes of Primary school in the 2nd Primary School of Corfu. Following exams he was awarded a scholarship and went to study in the Athens College (1978 graduation class).
He studied Law (University of Athens) and during his studies he worked in the “G. Sarantis” industrial group. He graduated in June 1983 with honors. He attended courses of Maritime and Insurance Law in the University College London (U.C.L.) and Criminology in the London School of Economics and Political Science (L.S.E.).
In 1984 he was awarded the post-graduate degree of Master of Laws (L.L.M.) of the University of London.
English and Italian.

Activités parlementaires

In March 2004 he was elected Member of the Parliament for Corfu, polling 10610 votes.
He was president of the Greek Parliament’s Group of Friendship with the Parliament of Kuwait.
In September 2007 he was re-elected Member of the Parliament for Corfu (the island’s sole Nea Dimokratia MP) polling 8.282 votes.
In the current Parliament he is a member of the Permanent Committee for Finance, the Special Permanent Committee of the National Budget, and the Committee of Deontology.
He was in the previous parliamentary period, and he still is, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and member of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population of the Council of Europe.
Relected in the general election of October 2009.

Activités politiques/sociales

He joined the Nea Dimokratia political party in 1978. He served in the local youth organization (ONNED) under the chairmanship, at the time, of the current prime minister K. Karamanlis.
He was a member of the Nea Dimokratia’s Students Association (DAP/NDFK) in the Law School of the University of Athens, and was elected alongside Kostas Karamanlis in the Students’ Board for two terms.
In 1980 he was elected to the Students’ Central Secretariat of ONNED, where he served under G. Vlachos. He was a member of the editorial Board and international issues Editor of the ONNED newspaper, “Democratic Lead”, from 1979 until 1981.
In 1980 he attended a special seminar for senior party members, organized by the Conrad Adenauer Institution together with the Center of Political Research and Education and conducted by Yannis Loulis.
He participated actively in the 1981 electoral campaign, for which he worked for more than five months traveling around Greece.
In 2000 he was a Nea Dimokratia candidate for Parliament and polled 6.987 votes.
In November 2002, by power of a decision of the Secretary of the Parliamentary Group of N.D. Mr. Sioufas and the approval of the president of the party Mr. K. Karamanlis, Nikos Dendias was appointed member of the parliamentary control group regarding tourism.
On 20/06/2006, by power of a decision of the General Secretary of the Parliamentary Group of Nea Dimokratia Mr. Apostolos Stavrou, he was appointed member of the Committee for the Revision of the Constitution.
In 2006 he attended the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies seminar on Security in the Mediterranean region aimed at high-ranking officials.
Since April 2006 he is a permanent member of the Center of Political Research and Education.
He is the president of the “Eptanission Politia” Cultural Association as well as member of most associations and societies in Corfu, such as the Reading Society, the Mantzaros Philarmonic Society, the Environmental Protection Club etc.
In May 2006 he was elected a member of the Hellenic Cancer Society.

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